1. Organization
  2. RILM
  3. RILM [Acronym name] (english)
  4. 1966
  5. New York City
  6. Official website
    • Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (International Repertory of Music Literature; Internationales Repertorium der Musikliteratur), commonly known by its acronym RILM, is a nonprofit organization that offers digital collections and advanced tools for locating research on all topics related to music.[1] Its mission is “to make this knowledge accessible to research and performance communities worldwide….to include the music scholarship of all countries, in all languages, and across all disciplinary and cultural boundaries, thereby fostering research in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences.”[2] Central to RILM's work and mission is the international bibliography of scholarship relating to all facets of music research.
