Found 408 results (contain 26 manifestations and 5 digital items ) , total pages 14.
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Νame in other language: Δισκοβόλος [Ελληνικό γραμματόσημο από τους 10ους Βαλκανικούς Αγώνες Στίβου] [greek] Dates: 10-1939 Collection: Collection Balkan Athletics Championships
Νame in other language: XXII Балкански игри, София 13-15.IX. 1963 [greek] Dates: 1963 Collection: Bulgarian Subcollection Balkan Athletics Championships
Dates: 10/10/1953 - 24/05/2005 Birth place: Agrinio Νame in other language: Κούσης, Μιχάλης [greek] Collection: Greek Subcollection Balkan Athletics Championships
Dates: 1912 - Νame in other language: Federația Română de Atletism [rum], Αθλητική ομοσπονδία Ρουμανίας [greek] Name not used: FRA Collection: Romanian Subcollection Balkan Athletics Championships
Dates: 01/08/1819 - 28/09/1891 Birth place: New York City Νame in other language: Μέλβιλ, Χέρμαν [greek] Collection: FRBR Collection
Νame in other language: Capitaine Achab [French] Collection: FRBR Collection
Dates: 28/02/1820 - 25/02/1914 Birth place: London Dates: 28/02/1820 - 25/02/1914 Νame in other language: Τένιελ, Τζον (1820-1914) [greek] Collection: FRBR Collection
Dates: 08/04/1876 - 29/09/1960 Birth place: Philadelphia Collection: FRBR Collection
Dates: 16/10/1620 - 02/12/1694 Birth place: Marseille Νame in other language: Πυζέ, Πιέρ Πωλ (1620-1694) [greek] Collection: RIDIM
Dates: 23/06/1819 - 12/11/1877 Birth place: New York City Collection: RIDIM
Dates: 14/12/1895 - 06/02/1952 Birth place: Sandringham Νame in other language: Georges VI roi de Grande-Bretagne (1895-1952) [French] Name not used: Albert Frederick Arthur George Collection: ISAD - EAD Collection
Collection: FRBR Collection
Dates: 1950 - 2013
Dates: 04/07/1900 - 06/07/1971 Birth place: New Orleans Collection: RILM
Dates: 24/03/1942 - Birth place: Anaheim, California Collection: IAML Collection
Dates: 30/03/1892 - 14/03/1968 Birth place: Hannover Collection: RIDIM
Dates: 29/03/1865 - 27/03/1941 Birth place: Liverpool Collection: RISM
Dates: 1642 - 12/1696 Birth place: La Ciotat Name not used: Gaultier de Marseille‏
Dates: 27/12/1958 - Birth place: Penzance Collection: RILM
Dates: 19/04/1881 - 16/10/1951 Birth place: Neenah Collection: RIDIM
Dates: 19/06/1868 - 14/01/1935 Birth place: Vyshnivchyk Collection: IAML Collection
Dates: 10/09/1662 - 31/03/1744 Birth place: Aix-en-Provence Collection: RIDIM
Νame in other language: Πρίγκηπας Άμλετ (Χαρακτήρας) [greek]
Dates: 18/08/1966 -
Dates: 16?? - 16?? Collection: RIDIM
Dates: 02/12/1759 - 17/03/1828
Dates: 1890 - Νame in other language: Πανεπιστήμιο του Σικάγου [greek] Name not used: UChicago
Dates: 1952 - Name not used: RISM [Acronym name] Collection: RISM
Collection: FRBR Collection